Din rising Stem And Non-Rising Stem Gate Valve

themetags office

Din rising Stem And Non-Rising Stem Gate Valve

Features: Valve body Bobbe: GG25
Disc: Grey iron
Steam: Brass Stainless steel
Hand wheel: GG25

 Type DN  Measurement(mm)
 (Din) Rising stem gate vlve L H D1 D2
  F4 F5 10 16 10 16 10 16
40 140 240 284 284 150 150 110 110
50 150 250 294 305 165 165 125 125
65 170 270 333 345 185 185 145 145
80 180 280 383 397 200 200 160 160
100 190 300 494 460 220 220 180 180
125 200 325 522 536 250 250 210 210
150 210 350 598 614 285 285 240 240
200 230 400 729 760 340 340 295 295
250 250 450 880 921 390 405 350 355
300 270 500 1046 1074 445 460 400 410
350 290 550 1258 1248 505 520 460 470
400 310 600 1385 1382 565 580 515 525
450 330 650 1554 1583 615 640 565 585
500 350 700 1688 1820 670 715 620 650
600 390 800 2150 2218 780 840 725 770
700 430 900 2550 2616 895 910 840 840